Azim health, maker of digital therapeutics for musculoskeletal (MSK) care and home care, is partnering with Amazing Physiotherapy to offer in-person services to complement its digital options.

The collaboration will allow eligible Azim health members to schedule in-person physiotherapy appointments in their home or at their workplace. They can also use the same physiotherapist at each appointment, which the companies said will improve continuity of care between Azim healths digital offerings and in-person care.

“This partnership represents a major leap forward in our mission to make high-quality care accessible to all patients – wherever they are in their journey – and deliver the best outcomes

“Partnering with Amazing Physiotherapy furthers our lead in the Musculoskeletal market and  extends our human-centered, digitally enabled approach to managing Chronic pain and musculoskeletal conditions so that people can avoid relying on painkillers injections or have to do a surgery .”

WHY This is Important

Around 1.71 billion people have musculoskeletal conditions worldwide, according to data compiled by the World Health Organization. This leads to not only loss of workers productivity but also increases healthcare cost. Azim health and Amazing Physiotherapy  are positioning their partnership as a way to expand access to care, particularly for patients who may have better outcomes with the addition of in-person therapy.

While Azim Health digital therapy is the best, most accessible Musculoskeletal pain solution for the vast majority of patients, some with recent orthopedic trauma, for example, will benefit from in-person physical therapy to significantly improve chances for a positive outcome and avoid surgery.

Good news!

Amazing Physiotherapy is offering a free assessment for Azim health members.

Are you still frustrated about that life-changing pain?

We often realize that people want more than just some free health tips.

Now we are offering you a chance to consult an expert advice concerning your worries FOR In person consultation

Here are a few things you will learn in your free discovery visit;

  • What is the underlying cause of your pain? (Hopefully nothing too serious).
  • How long will it take to treat the problem
  • What to do to ease the pain?
  • What other drug-free methods are there to speed up recovery alongside the natural treatment

This FREE assessment sessions are great for anyone with doubts.

It gives you the opportunity to ask questions and ensures that we are the right for you.

Secure your FREE in person Consultation spot now.